Imagine a world in which just 10 simple steps could help you learn how to begin building a million-dollar business – starting today.
- Find trustworthy partner
Whether it’s a close friend or family member, partner with people you know you can trust as you begin researching how to build a business. Most of the time, we focus on the character and virtues of those we are legally partnered with. But vetting other people and entities that you are associated with – including your vendors and advisors – is equally critical. You have the freedom to select whom you want to work with, so take the time to do your research.
- Create a strategy
One of the biggest mistakes young businesses make is over-committing. In their pursuit to build a million-dollar business, they end up saying yes to almost everything because they’re excited to get the word out about their company, but they often lack a clear focus by not being selective enough. But if you try to be all things to all people, chances are you will fail. Start with making a one-page strategic plan that forces you to focus on creating and doing one thing for one target audience. What do you want to do that will add value to the lives of your customers?
- Say no
Saying no to anything that isn’t in your direct line of fire may be difficult to do at first when learning how to build a company, but can actually be one of the smartest business decisions you make in the long run – even if it means firing your own customers. Why? Because it frees you up to focus on your target.
- Find peer support
If you’re a business owner, you know what’s at stake and how much risk is involved in running a company.
But how do you handle the fear of failure?
Where do you go for advice and guidance in learning how to build your business?
You want to uphold your position as a leader and don’t want to talk about these things with your team, and you might not want to discuss these heavy topics with your family. That’s why finding a peer community is so important. Not only can this provide a confidential atmosphere where you can find support and valuable insight, but it can be instrumental in the process of learning the most efficient and effective ways of taking your business to the next level.
- Form a board of advisor
A critical component in learning how to build a business is coordinating a group of trusted mentors to counsel you on key issues in growing your business. Many of these people know how to make a million-dollar business and can advise you on your financial plan.
- Hire slow and fire fast
When building your business, you’ll quickly learn that the sooner you part ways with employees who aren’t the right fit or who are toxic, the better. Most of us, however, do the opposite. We hire quickly to fill the position when we really should be taking our time to determine if the candidate has the right nature, the right personality and whether or not their core values align with the company’s mission. Then we are slow to let the person go, even though we know in our gut that it isn’t working. Develop a strategy to hire superstars.
- Build culture
Building a company where people want to go to work is one of the most pivotal ways of building a business that grows and is sustainable. What’s more, you want your employees to feel valued at the office.
- Build brand
With social media and a global audience at your fingertips, this is the single best time for building a business via building a brand online. It wasn’t that long ago that you needed to hire a PR agency to create brand identity and awareness. But now, if you are determined and diligent enough, you can build a brand by creating quality content every single day and leveraging social media outlets to attract and engage your target audience.
- Ask of referral
The best form of marketing is through your current customers. You may not realize how powerful a marketing asset this can be. But if you don’t try you won’t reap the benefits. If you’ve succeeded in creating raving fans of your customers and clients, they will be much more likely to give you referrals.
- Peoples
The single most important factor in your success is your people – your partner, your advisors, your staff and your peers. When you attract good people and show them you truly care about them on both a personal and professional level, how to build a business becomes 10 times easier.
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